We are interested in working with individuals with and without hearing loss who would like to participate in research. All of our research participants are compensated for their time and offered counseling about their auditory abilities as part of their involvement in our studies.

We are seeking research participants for the following studies:
The focus of this study is to understand how over-the-counter hearing aids impact listening and communication. We are interested in recruiting adults who have hearing loss and their communication partner (friend or family member) to take part in a conversation task. You do not need to wear hearing aids to participate in the study. Participants and their partner will each be compensated for their study time.
We are seeking adults aged 50 or older with mild cognitive impairment or early Alzheimer’s Dementia and hearing loss, along with one of their communication partners (such as a family member), to participate in a hearing aid research study. We hope to better understand how cognition impacts our ability to benefit from different kinds of hearing aid processing. In part of the study, participants will wear the hearing aids at home. Most of the testing will take place on either the Evanston or Chicago campus and requires a few visits over a 2-month period. There will also be some remote visits using telehealth or video conferencing software. Listeners will be compensated for their time.
More information about participating in a study:
For more information on these studies or other research opportunities, please contact us at 847-467-0897 or email us at halab@northwestern.edu.
For information on clinical hearing services, you may contact the Northwestern University Center for Audiology, Speech, Language and Learning at 847-491-3165.